Tell The Senate to Honor Our Moral and Strategic Commitment to Afghan Allies
Let's Add The Afghan Adjustment Act To The Omnibus As A Floor Amendment
(Senate Bill 4787 and House Bill 6585)
We need to tell the Senate to honor our moral and strategic commitment to our Afghan allies and uphold the promises made by our U.S. Veterans.
The Afghan Adjustment Act was not included in the Bill text of the omnibus, which is needed must-pass legislation that will fund the government. But -- as in all things related to Washington -- the fight is not yet over. Efforts are being focused on the development, introduction, and passage of a floor amendment. Take this flash action to help!
One of the primary themes of this fight on the AAA is that the overriding message of those supporting the current Omnibus text is that it is a major enhancement of DoD and Veterans' concerns. That is certainly true, but one of the primary goals of Veterans and the Military -- as expressed in the letters below -- was the passage of AAA.
That desire was ignored.
To win a floor amendment to the omnibus, we must get Majority Leader Schumer to consider the AAA as one of a limited number of Democratic party-sponsored amendments. This is where we can help. We need to have any constituents, organizations, or religious entities try to contact Senators in the Democratic Conference to ensure that he includes the AAA as a Democratic-sponsored amendment. Then we will need to get 60 votes in agreement.
Hearing from his conference, and perhaps others across the aisle, with Majority Leader Schumer's blessing, we would expect to have 50 Democrat votes in support. That makes it possible to find 5 additional Republicans beyond those that have already come out in support as co-sponsors: Senators Blunt, Graham, Moran, Murkowski, and Wicker. (We thank them for their support.)
Statements Condemning Failure of Congress to Include AAA in the Omnibus:
Recent Support
The Afghan Adjustment Acat was not included in the Bill text of the omnibus. But -- as in all things related to Washington -- the fight is not yet over. Efforts are being focused on the development, introduction, and passage of a floor amendment. Take this flash action to help!
This action omits several Senators, for strategic reasons. However, none of those seven are from the same state. You should be able to send at least one message if you happen to be in one of those states.