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UUA's Poor People's Campaign Leadership Council


Capitol Hill Briefing And Press Conference

Thursday, September 22

9:00 am ET

Online Or In-person



Our UU Faith At The Fusion Call, With The PPC: NCMR


On Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 a diverse group of faith leaders from across the country will gather in Washington, D.C., at the Rayburn House Office Building, for an urgent congressional briefing. 

We are proud to highlight that Rev. Joan Javier-Duval, Unitarian Church of Montpelier, VT, and member of the UUA Poor People’s Campaign Leadership Council is scheduled to speak, with Pablo DeJesus in attendance in solidarity.

  • Please tune in, or consider attending if space allows. RSVP here.

Rev. Joan will join other faith leaders with the Poor People's Campaign: NCMR to make a moral demand that Congress act on the following issues before the midterm election:

  1. living wages,
  2. voting rights and
  3. reinstatement and expansion of policies that research shows can immediately lift millions of families out of poverty.

PPC: NCMR faith leaders will illustrate how their sacred texts and traditions call on nations to explicitly address poverty and injustice. Speakers will showcase that the demand for such action is larger than any single tradition.

The moral message and reminder will urge Congress to act so that the American people know where their elected officials stand on these great moral issues.

**To attend in person, RSVP ASAP, space is limited- for this important congressional briefing**

Friend, for our Faith, in Fusion, and for our Future, let us come together in fellowship, in support of the Poor People's Campaign, tune in or attend, but let us engage for a better nation.

In faith, UUA Poor People’s Campaign Leadership Council 

Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Co-Chair
Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, Co-Chair
Rev. Amy Williams Clark
Pablo DeJesús
Rev. Jodi Cohen Hayashida
Rev. Edith Love
Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner
Rev. Joan Javier-Duval
Re. Connie Yost
Nicole Pressley, UUA Staff Liaison

You still have time to join us later tonight for an exclusive talk...

How often do we get one of D.C.'s most influential people to speak to us? Not too often!

Lee Drutman is a New York Times, Washington Post, Vox, NBC Think, and Foreign Policy commentator, plus a podcaster, and Johns Hopkins University lecturer. Yes, and he is speaking to UUSJ!  Do not miss Lee's comments!



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