| | | You Can Run (or Walk) But You Can’t Hide Editor’s note -- Rev. John Saxon’s words about his journey -- both physical and psychological -- speak to our hearts and minds about doing justice work. We hope you find them inspirational as we consider our resolve to raise UU values and voices in 2020. I recently returned from walking for 18 days and 275 miles through the mountains of northeastern Portugal and northwestern Spain—my third time walking the Camino de Santiago (a network of ancient Christian pilgrimage routes in Europe and Spain). For me, walking the Camino was a precious opportunity to leave the busy-ness of my day-to-day life behind for a little while and enjoy a brief respite from presidential tweets and the almost-daily news about mass shootings, escalating trade wars, burning forests in the Amazon, neo-Confederate and KKK rallies in Hillsborough, or the political stalemate over the state budget and Medicaid expansion. | | | | | | | | | | | UUSJ’s Advocacy Corps Day and WHWN to Call for Clean Energy Tax Credits | | Reducing carbon emissions through tax incentives and credits will be the focus of the December 10 Advocacy Corps visit to Capitol Hill. UUSJ will ask members of Congress to renew existing incentives before they expire and expand others to ensure progress and create green new jobs. “Write Here! Write Now!” letter-writing is scheduled for Sunday, December 8. For details: advocacy@uusj.org. | | | “What’s the Most Important Issue Threatening Our Democracy?” UU asks A UU in New Mexico told her senator in her “Write Here! Write Now” letter that defending our democracy in the 2020 elections is essential to addressing other threats such as climate change, gun violence, and wealth disparity. Hers was among the 278 letters UUSJ’s Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps hand-delivered to 42 senators’ offices resulting in 16 meetings in November, calling for $600 million for election security and accountability measures outlined in a House bill. Now is the time to take action in time for the 2020 federal elections. In September, the Advocacy Corps set a record for most letters delivered at one time with 996 on climate change, more than previously reported. In October, we visited 42 offices and had the most face-to-face meetings with staff at 20, including the most ever drop-in visits. | | | | | | Why UUSJ?... What Is on the Hearts and Minds of UUs Supporting Advocacy? You asked for more on why what we do matters and how it reflects our UU values. To that end, several of your peers are sharing their own thoughts, reflections and personal motivations. You can see the growing list of testimonials here. You can also find previous commentaries here. If you'd like to add your own voice to the mix, email info@uusj.org | | | UUSJ Seeks… Are you interested in organizing events, programs, or educational opportunities? Then join the UUSJ Program Committee. Help drive the fun in our events. Contact: info@UUSJ.org. | | End of Year Donations with Tax Smarts... | | |  | Urge UUs in Federal Service (and retirees) to Support UUSJ through the Combined Federal Campaign — CFC #17271 UUs from across the country look to UUSJ to be an important presence in the nation’s capital, standing for UU values at national rallies and in the halls of Congress. You can help UUSJ meet that need by asking your friends and family in government service, including retirees, to support CFC #17271. Deadline is January 12, 2020. Spread the word at your congregations by printing and posting this CFC poster at UU congregations and meetings. This poster appears as an ad on page 59 of the Winter issue of UU World. | | | | | | Unitarian Universalist News and Events | | | UUs are Committing to #UUtheVote for Justice in 2020! | | The 2020 elections will be the most important in living memory to defend democracy and demand a future where all people and our planet can flourish. Check out the #UUtheVote website to learn more, and be sure to RSVP for the January 12 launch webinar and be part of hosting an event at your congregation, home or community. | | Mark Your Calendar - Migrant Justice TPS Film Screening and Letter-Writing Event | | The week of December 2, the UU Service Committee and partners at the Massachusetts Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Committee and UUSJ invite congregations to host an event to highlight the emergency facing immigrant community members in danger of deportation due to pending TPS termination. Information on hosting a screening of the documentary film The Last Dream will be provided. Following the documentary, participants can write letters to their senators urging them to pass legislation creating a pathway to citizenship for immigrants with TPS and similar standing such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Enforced Departure. Or write letters at your monthly UUSJ Write Here! Write Now! letter-writing table. Letters are due by February 27 for delivery on March 10 by the UUSJ Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps. Contact: jleach@uusc.org | | | | | | | | | DACA and TPS at Continued Risk | | Many Washington area UUs joined Dreamers from across the nation at the Rally for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on November 12 at the Supreme Court. While awaiting the Court’s verdict on the legitimacy of DACA, we are focusing on Senate bills, supporting DACA and Temporary Protected Status (TPS). A bill (S.879) sponsored by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) would provide longer-term solutions to the more than 300,000 immigrants from the ten countries with TPS status, so that they can legally reside and work in the United States due to civil conflicts or natural disasters in their home countries. Sens. Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Mark Warner (D-VA) are co-sponsors among 23 others. The administration wants to terminate the programs; this decision is also in the courts. We plan to visit Senate offices in early 2020 with the UU Service Committee to advocate for such solutions. Collecting letters from constituents of key senators will be important. | | | UUSJ Supports Refugee Protection Act of 2019 After the administration’s recent decision to drastically cut the number of refugees admitted for US resettlement, Rep. Zoe Lofton (D-CA) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the bicameral Refugee Protection Act (RPA) of 2019. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) are co-sponsors in their respective chambers. UUSJ has joined many refugee advocacy organizations including UUSC to support the RPA. Among other things, the measure would set a floor of 95,000 refugees to be resettled annually, at a time when there are more displaced persons in the world than any time since World War II. USCIS Proposes Immigrant Fee Increases The US Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) proposes yet another increase in fees that immigrants and asylum-seekers would have to pay to have their petitions considered. While overall increases average 21%, some specific fees will be raised over 80%. DACA renewals required every two years would rise from $495 to $765. Applying for citizenship would increase from $725 to $1,170 (on top of lawyer fees). USCIS would also for the first time impose a $50 fee to apply for asylum, making the US one of only four countries in the world that charges for asylum-seekers to be considered for seeking entry. UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group encourages individuals to make public comments opposing such increases before December 16. For more information, search for docket USCIS-2019-0010-0001 at http://www.regulations.gov and follow the instructions. | | Deepening Partnerships with Organizations for Impacted Persons | | In order to follow the lead of immigrant and refugee activists, UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group has been reviewing the many advocacy organizations which it monitors and/or collaborates with, to find ways to deepen our partnership, advance our understanding and strengthen our advocacy work on immigration. We hope to move our advocacy upstream wherever possible, rather than just joining as endorsers later in the effort. | | Want to Join UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group? The task group meets by Zoom on most alternate Thursdays at 4pmET. Contact Charlotte Jones-Carroll cjonescarroll@aol.com. | | | | | | Environmental and Climate Justice | | | | Climate Strike Scheduled for Dec. 6 | | Young people from across the U.S. are leading a #ClimateStrike for action on the climate crisis on December 6 at locations across the country. Find an event near you by looking at the Fridays for Future map and Sunrise Movement strike information page. In the Washington, D.C. area on December 6, Jane Fonda who leads weekly Fire Drill Fridays, is partnering with Shut Down D.C. The rally starts at 11am ET and a march begins at 12 noon followed by civil disobedience. This action is at Franklin Square, 1332 I St., N.W. to demand financial institutions stop profiting off of the climate crisis and immigrant detention. The event Facebook page can be found here. | | UUSJ Signs On with Faith Partners in Protecting Creation and Human Health | | In November, UUSJ signed on to several joint letters and documents: | | Ramp up to Earth Day 2020 - 50th Anniversary Many UUs are gearing up to advocate on the environment, climate justice and climate change during 2020, particularly the economic justice dimension and the need for a transition away from extractive economy. And with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 there will be opportunities to mobilize. (Earthday.org) UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE.org) is planning another “Spring for Change” to call attention to World Water Day (March 22), Earth Day, and World Biodiversity Day (May 22) to engage and mobilize UUs and friends. And they again will collaborate with UUSJ on a nationwide letter-writing campaign to advocate for meaningful action on the climate crisis. Details to follow in the New Year. | | | | | | | | SNAP -- a Continuing Issue | | UUSJ continues its support for SNAP (food stamps) in partnership with the faith community and other groups by signing on to letters that, among other things, advocate for funding and contest proposed new rules that would reduce “heat and eat” benefits for needy families and increase hunger and hardship by decreasing utility cost allowances. By the government’s own estimate, this proposal will result in SNAP benefits being cut by $4.5 billion over five years. An estimated 20% of low-income households that use SNAP will lose $30 each month that they could have used on groceries. Full text of the letter, as well as other resources, are available in the Faith Community Toolkit. | | | | | | |  | UU the Vote - Official Launch - Watch Party & Planning Event | | January, 12, 2020 4:00 PM ET RSVP & Sign up to Host a Party or Event The BIG national launch for #UUtheVote will be on January 12th. We hope for thousands of UUs joining our on-line national call and that you will help host these watch parties at your congregations, homes, and spread the word. | | UUSJ Mobilizes to “UU the Vote” The Defending Our Democracy (DRD) Task Group is focusing on mobilizing for the 2020 elections. UUA President the Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray launched the “UU the Vote” campaign with a video challenging congregations to “UU The Vote” (see the article in the winter issue of UU World). UUSJ will partner with the UUA on its new UU the Vote website -- a hub for resources. DRD and the other UUSJ task groups are finalizing updates to the UUSJ Guide to Questions for Candidates 2018 and adding a new section with questions for the new 2019 UUSJ priority issue DRD. We’re also updating UUSJ’s Get Out the Vote Toolkit with materials for congregations. Our new guide is tentatively called UU the Vote 2020 - Congregation Leader’s Guide. | | Want to join UUSJ’s Defending Our Democracy Task Group? Most meetings are on the first Sunday of the month at 7:30pm ET and held by Zoom. The next meeting is January 5. For details, contact Fred Van Deusan [fredvandeu @ gmail.com ] | | | | | | | Other Social Justice Issues | | | Revolutionary Love Conference - Save the Date Towards a More Perfect Union | | April, 24-26, 2020 All Souls Church, Unitarian Registration - Discounts for Early Birds and Activists until Dec. 31 Speaker Flyer Confirmed Speaker List “The framers’ dream for this land was impinged by their social location, their power and their prejudice. But, we the people, who live and work on this stolen land, built by stolen people; we the people who understand the emergencies of these times will convene to declare in one voice: We will move toward a more perfect union; we’ll dream new dreams that include all of us, no matter our ethnicity or our station in life.” - Revolutionary Love Event Page | | DC area Women’s March January 18, 2020 - Save the Date 2020 marks the 4th anniversary of the Women's March. According to the organizers, the Women's March 2020 will be a mobilizing powerhouse for women and allies across this country, to build on the groundswell of activism that started in 2020. “We will fight harder than we've ever fought for our freedom. We will build a movement where we will all rise up together. Rise with us.” The UUA is expected to be a partner organization. Info at womensmarch.com. | | | | | | | Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) 7750 16th St NW, | Washington, District of Columbia 20012 202-600-9132 | info@uusj.org | | | | | | | |