| Gratitude For Your Giving! We thank all those supporters and friends that became members for the first time, or renewed their memberships, as part of our end-of-year appeal for 2021 -- you have helped us start 2022 with gratitude in our hearts! | | | | Thoughts on “Moral Owners” Private sector corporations are accountable to their owners – usually their shareholders. And governments are accountable to those they govern, usually voters. To whom are non-profit organizations accountable? Some say it is to the stakeholders – anyone with an interest in the non-profit, such as beneficiaries of its services, donors, funders, vendors, board, and staff. From a Policy Governance perspective, a non-profit is accountable to its moral owners, who are part of its stakeholders. Moral owners are the ones with whom a non-profit board decides what benefits the organization should produce, as part of its mission and vision. Owners are always stakeholders but not all stakeholders are owners. UUSJ decided during its recent strategic planning effort that our moral owners are: - UU individuals,
- UU congregations,
- Impacted people, and
- Organizations representing (or led by) impacted people.
The first two might seem obvious ... [Read More] | | | |  | Charlotte Jones-Carroll UUSJ Board Chair | | | | | | | | Our Faith Calls Us to Antiracist Work: A theology of interdependence is the true heart of our faith; our work for justice is our faithful response Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President, UUA The most profound theological gift I received from Unitarian Universalism is the belief in and commitment to Beloved Community. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described Beloved Community as one of unconditional love, which seeks the fullest unfolding of the personality of every person. In the Beloved Community, racism, poverty, and discrimination would not be tolerated and would instead be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of kinship. [Read More, UU World] | | | | | | | | As The New Year Begins, Volunteer to Engage Join UUSJ's advocacy list. The purpose of social justice advocacy is to make known public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy, it is the profession or vocation of an advocate. Especially to address or redress root causes and harms by disrupting interlocking injustices towards collective liberation. Join UUSJ's witness list. The purpose of social justice witness is to make public by word, deed, and presence, the convictions of an individual or organization regarding a particular issue. Especially to show solidarity, compassion, and support for the collective liberation of impacted communities. Join the UUSJ communications team. Help us amplify our participation and activity in a variety of ways. From Facebook to Twitter, to crafting compelling emails, or organizing commentaries and blog posts, you can help us engage the base towards our mission. Find out more about our UUSJ action teams. If you want more details, or to be connected to our team leaders and their work, please email Pablo. | | | | | | | | Healing the Wound: An Interfaith Vigil (And Kickoff) January 5, 2022 8:00-9:00pmET/5:00-6:00pmPT RSVP UUSJ joins Faithful Democracy and Fransican Action Network, for an interfaith zoom event on the evening of January 5th, we will gather as people of faith for an hour of prayer, reading of sacred scriptures, and reflection. Vigils: One-year Since the Insurrection At The US Capitol UUSJ’s Democracy Action Team (DAT) invites UUs from across the nation to join the team in solidarity with Faithful Democracy and Declaration for American Democracy to mark the one-year anniversary of the insurrection with peaceful self-organized vigils (virtual or in-person). To find an event near you or create your own January 6th Vigil, see JAN6UNITYDAY. The Unitarian Universalist Association endorses these vigils. Brookings Webinar: The January 6 Insurrection: One Year Later January 6, 2022 10:00-11:30amET/7:00-8:30amPT RSVP (& Details) A year ago, a violent mob broke into the US Capitol trying to stop the certification of the electoral vote of Joe Biden and overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. The insurrection was, thankfully, unsuccessful. But its echoes continue to reverberate. On January 6, Brookings Senior Fellow and Lawfare Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Wittes will moderate a discussion on the anniversary of the Capitol riot. | | | | | Immigration Justice Steve Eckstrand & Terry Grogan, Immigration Action Team Conveners (seckstrand@verizon.net) | | Support Citizenship for the Undocumented The Senate Parliamentarian again recommended against including immigration provisions in the Build Back Better Act (BBB). Last month’s action marked the third plan that the parliamentarian rejected. Senate Democrats "strongly disagree" with the parliamentarian's rejection of their latest immigration proposal. They added, "...we will pursue every means to achieve a path to citizenship in the BBB." UUSJ joins our allies in the immigration advocacy community (including Faith In Action, Detention Watch Network, United We Dream, Church World Services, and the WeAreHome coalition) in asking you to contact your Democratic Senators (who are central to the current legislative decisions) and ask them to disregard the Parliamentarian’s advice and include key immigration provisions in BBB. Chicanas: Nurturers and Warriors (Video) The Denver Colorado Office of Storytelling offers an inspiring and informative companion film to their exhibit, celebrating unsung Chicana heroes, as part of History Colorado's Year of La Chicana project. The office is fairly unique with only five known such offices in existence globally. The Chicana story is complicated. Although the U.S. Census would like to lump people together under a single manufactured label, the reality is that folks come from many different backgrounds, different places, and different cultures. You can learn about the rich variety with this video and several vignettes. | | | | | | | Environmental and Climate Justice To connect with UUSJ about the Environmental Action Team (info@uusj.org) | | Energy Efficiency: A Virginia State Strategies Showcase January 5 7:30-8:30pmET Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 873 5743 1768 Passcode: 763466 ) What is the cheapest, most environmentally friendly, and lowest greenhouse gas emitting source of energy? Energy that is not used! Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) and the UU Congregation of Fairfax (Virginia) Act on Climate Today (ACT!) invite you to a webinar discussion on energy efficiency. Virginia State Sen. Jennifer Boysko will discuss legislation she plans to introduce in January that would give local jurisdictions authority to strengthen regulations to cut energy waste in homes and businesses. Susan Stillman, the renewable energy vice-chair of the Virginia Sierra Club, will talk about the importance of increasing the efficiency of our homes and offices. Eric Goplerud, FACS board chair will share practical steps individuals can take. | | | | | | | Economic Justice To connect with UUSJ about Economic Justice (info@uusj.org) | | PPC’s National Interfaith Prayer Service and Procession January 9, 2022 3-4:30pmET (Service) - 4:30- 5:30pmET (Procession) Location: National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DC The Poor People’s Campaign: National Call For Moral Revival invites UUs to join a 90-minute National Interfaith Prayer Service in D.C. The Service will end with a procession down 14th Street to Freedom Plaza where we will consecrate the plaza for June 18, 2022, Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington with a Litany of Declaration and prayers. SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 18, 2022 Moral March On Washington RSVP Now & Find a Bus: https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/rally-map/ | | | | | | | | In Remembrance of MLK: No Celebration Without Legislation - D.C. Peace Walk, by Deliver for Voting Rights January 17, 2022 9:00-11:00amET Location: 1st SE & Potomac Ave SE, Washington, DC Details: https://deliverforvotingrights.com/ Deliver for Voting Rights is calling on President Biden and Congress to end the filibuster and deliver on voting rights now. This year for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, members of the King family along with faith and civil rights leaders, and voting rights advocates will join together to demand voting rights legislation now. | | | | 7750 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20012 202-600-9132 | info@uusj.org | | | | | | UUSJ is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. | | | | | | |